Friday, March 15, 2019

Symptoms and Causes of Food Poisoning

Known as The IV Doc, Adam Nadelson MD leads a network of physicians who travel to patients and administer intravenous treatments for various illnesses. The team of Adam Nadelson MD often treats cases of food poisoning, also known as gastroenteritis. These visits can include medications to alleviate nausea, headaches, and heartburn.

If you experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, or fever, you may have food poisoning. Symptoms can appear hours or days after eating contaminated food and can last up to several days.

Parasites, bacteria, and viruses can cause food poisoning. Uncooked food, such as salads and produce, can become infected. Although, problems may arise with contaminated meat, poultry, or milk as well. 

Food poisoning occurs more frequently in certain groups within the general population. Infants, young children, and older adults are more at risk of gastroenteritis because they often have undeveloped or compromised immune systems. Pregnancy, chronic illnesses, and radiation treatments or chemotherapy also increase the risk of food poisoning.

For a fuller explanation of viruses found in unsafe foods, visit