Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The IV Doc Offers In-Home Convenience For Hangover Treatments

Image: pexels.com
Adam Nadelson, MD, is an established New York cosmetic surgeon who leads The IV Doc, a company that provides nurse-administered IV drips with in-home convenience to clients in more than two dozen US markets. As reported in VinePair, Adam Nadelson, MD, is at the forefront of a hydration-clinic model that has a reputation as the “Uber” of the expanding hangover-cure market. 

In the comfort of their home or hotel, after telehealth consultation from a licensed physician, clients receive 1-liter injections of either electrolyte replacement fluids or saline solution, as well as prescriptions for anti-inflammatory medications and other formulations that address issues such as heartburn and nausea.

Arranging to have an at-home treatment is described as seamless and easy, with a visit to The IV Doc website (http://www.THEIVDOC.com) or a phone call (+1-844-843-4836) resulting in a physician teleconsultation and a visit from a nurse within a few hours, and often much sooner. 

The IV Doc has a heavy demand for his services among clients throughout the country following celebrations such as New Year’s Eve. One noteworthy client, a Hollywood actor and comedian, famously arranged a “hangover party” for friends with therapeutic IV drips on New Year’s Day in 2015.

Friday, March 15, 2019

Symptoms and Causes of Food Poisoning

Known as The IV Doc, Adam Nadelson MD leads a network of physicians who travel to patients and administer intravenous treatments for various illnesses. The team of Adam Nadelson MD often treats cases of food poisoning, also known as gastroenteritis. These visits can include medications to alleviate nausea, headaches, and heartburn.

If you experience nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach cramps, or fever, you may have food poisoning. Symptoms can appear hours or days after eating contaminated food and can last up to several days.

Parasites, bacteria, and viruses can cause food poisoning. Uncooked food, such as salads and produce, can become infected. Although, problems may arise with contaminated meat, poultry, or milk as well. 

Food poisoning occurs more frequently in certain groups within the general population. Infants, young children, and older adults are more at risk of gastroenteritis because they often have undeveloped or compromised immune systems. Pregnancy, chronic illnesses, and radiation treatments or chemotherapy also increase the risk of food poisoning.

For a fuller explanation of viruses found in unsafe foods, visit https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/food-poisoning/symptoms-causes/syc-20356230.

Friday, January 11, 2019

A Brief Overview of Hangovers

After receiving his medical degree from the Universidad Central del Caribe in Puerto Rico, Adam Nadelson, MD, undertook medical training at Montefiore Medical Center in New York. Adam Nadelson, MD, now serves as chief executive officer of The IV Doc (theivdoc.com), a company providing in-home IV therapy. The IV Doc addresses a wide range of issues, including hangovers, food poisoning, and the flu, in the comfort and privacy of an individual’s home.

Contrary to popular belief, a hangover is not necessarily the result of excessive drinking. In fact, one or two drinks may be enough to trigger hangover symptoms, though the general rule is that the more alcohol you drink, the more likely you are to suffer a hangover. 

Hangover symptoms have multiple causes. Alcohol inhibits the bodies production of Anti-Diuretic Hormone (ADH normally helps you retain fluid). Because of the loss of ADH, your body produces urine at a more frequent rate, leading to dehydration. Alcohol not only triggers an inflammatory responses throughout the body but it also inhibits the resolution of the inflammation, resulting in memory and concentration issues, decrease absorption of food or water (when taken orally) through the gastrointestinal tract irritation, and its increase use (dose-escalated effects) can cause a higher risk of heart attacks, stroke or chronic high blood pressure. Too much alcohol prevents the body from entering a deep state of sleep, which can in turn create a collection of insomnia-related symptoms.

Hangovers typically leave on their own or are self-remitting, generally within 24 hours. However, a severe hangover may necessitate a visit to the doctor, or have from The I.V. Doc. Any person experiencing trouble breathing, chest pain, or seizures should immediately seek medical help.